Life Skills Program:
Fall 2021

Welcome to the Life Skills Program for Fall 2021!

This section of our website is reserved for registered students and contains course materials.

1. Introduction

The Introduction segment describes the purpose of the Life Skills program (Why), the benefits (Potential Outcomes), the curriculum (Subjects Covered), and why each segment is important to living a successful, Christ centered life style. Each student is encouraged to be completely honest and Truthful with themselves and think about where they are in life, how they got where they are in life, and where they want to be (Dream). And it encourages them to set higher but reasonable goals (Expectations) and to develop a plan to move forward in life.

It explains the importance of completing the whole course for each student to derive the most beneficial outcome for them and their families. 


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2. Critical thinking (decision making)

Critical Thinking is about making the right decisions. Human thinking is inherently flawed. Much like animals that are led by their nose, individuals often times make decisions based on emotions and wants, not on real needs. Most critical decisions are relational but often times are about things we want but don’t necessarily need. 

Example: going to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread and walk out with a basket full. (Impulse). We do the same thing with relationships. 

Do you tend to make snap decisions based on emotions and circumstances (outside pressure’s).  OR, do you take time to gather, assimilate, analyze, and make sound decisions based on fact versus hearsay?

It explains the importance of completing the whole course for each student to derive the most beneficial outcome for them and their families. 


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3. Introduction


Is the observation or examination of one’s mental and emotional state, mental processes, conscious thoughts and feelings. It is the act of looking within oneself. 

It provides a privileged access to our own mental states, not mediated by other sources of knowledge, so that individual experience of the mind is unique. Introspection can determine any number of mental states including: sensory, bodily, cognitive, emotional and so forth.

If one is to fully understand their present state of mind and circumstances in all areas of their life, they must have a thorough examination of their heart and mind to fully comprehend how they arrived at their present condition. This occurs by delving into their past history. It may require looking as far back as their childhood, depending on issues at hand in the present. 


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4. Boundaries

Boundaries are not a foreign concept to any of us. Just as there are hard predetermined boundaries (Land/Time), there are personal physical boundaries (Touch), soft boundaries (Communications), etc.  Most people understand what a boundary is and how it functions. What we fail to realize is that boundaries can be both physical and mental constructs that define and/or restrict access to something or someone. Our heart requires boundaries just as much as our yard does. Allowing unchecked access to either can have troubling results.


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5. Attitude

Much of our lives are dictated by our attitudes. How we act and how we re-act to life and its events can make or break our day, week, year, life, etc. You chose your responses and you determine your attitude. But, attitude without character is a shipwreck waiting to happen. Your character can easily sway your response to life. Poor character will always make itself known, sooner or later…you will pay a price. You can only fool people for so long.


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6. Personal Communication

Almost everything we do involves formal or Informal communications in some form and at different levels. 

Effective communications is crucial to success. It is the single most important factor influencing a person or group of people that we want to ensure there is a common understanding of a specific message. Most problems originate from poor or miscommunications.

It is much more than speaking. It is about building relationships through words, expressions, and effective listening, to arrive at a quality outcome.


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7. managing conflict

Managing Conflict

Before you can manage conflict you must first understand its source/cause. Was it caused by personal issues or did it result from competing views toward individual goals and objectives?

Whatever the cause, conflict must be managed well. We must look for opportunities to have positive outcomes, but don’t ignore the ultimate cost to negative conflicts.

It is critical that one seek to understand people’s perceptions if one is to understand the circumstances under which their behavior might change. 

– Harold J. Leavitt


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8. Parenting

Being a parent is difficult. Although it is easy to become a parent, the role requires long hours, late nights, dedication, and commitment. God calls parents to love, and respect their kids; to protect and provide for them; to guide them and lead them with love and compassion. Did your parents do that? Have you done that?


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9. Leadership

Leadership is a process of social influence, which maximizes the efforts of others, toward the achievement of a goal.

  • Critical Thinking – How well do you solve difficult problems?
  • Character, Integrity, and Attitude Assessment?
  • How well do you communicate and manage Conflict?
  • Are you Goal Directed and do you Prioritize and Delegate well?


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10. Civics: America, a democratic republic

  • How America was born and why. (Discovery and Causes)
  • How America is Governed and why (Two Party System)
  • The Declaration of Independence (All Men are created equal) 
  • The United States Constitution (The Articles of the Constitution + the 27 Amendments).
  • The Balance of Power (The Branches of Government – Responsibilities)


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11: Civics: Freedom vs. Tyranny

  • A Republic vs Socialism/Communism
  • A review of the 27 Amendments
  • Why the need for an independent and Free Press
  • Current Major issues 
  • Your responsibility living in an American form of government


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